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Applications That Help Promote Learning Inside and Outside the Class

When it comes to applications there are many that students are utilizing both inside and outside the class room on a daily basis. Teachers are embracing the convenience and benefits of these applications. Kindergarten through High School students are using educational learning apps to help them study. Many of these apps are free to download and are fun to play. Students often lose track of time when they are playing educational games. Using these apps becomes a fun daily routine and they do not seem as daunting as extra homework and study group time.

Some learning apps that children utilize at an early age help promote reading skills. These apps put a focus on fluency and comprehension. There are reading apps that provides free books for students. These apps are commonly used for students in elementary school. The teachers will send home a print out with their sign in information for parents. The app teachers use are often free to download.

The teacher will have established each of his/her students into the app program. The student will sign into the app and begin reading. Books are pre-selected by the teachers in reading apps. The fun side to this type of app is the point collection process. The points can be used to often embellish avatars or play games. Reading apps always provide some fun type of point system to encourage students to read more and increase their fluency and comprehension skills.

Another fun app that teachers utilize in their class room is usually a general educational app. This is mostly for lower grades in elementary school and teaches a wide variety of topics. Math, art, reading and science are all included in this type of free app. Math apps are very popular as well. These math applications are usually directed for older elementary students. In many cases these are class shared apps that students use to compete for printable awards. Math apps have virtually replaced the necessity of flash cards for fast memorization of basic math equations.

Teachers enjoy educational learning apps but they also utilize photo sharing and communication applications. Email and class websites are still common but apps such as class dojo make this a faster information sharing option. This type of app allows teachers to provide parents of their students with sign in information. Once they have established their account, they can view photos and videos that the teacher has shared from the class room. Teachers and parents can also quickly message each other through this app. This app also provides a behavior incentive for students and creates a portfolio demonstrates progress for parents to view.

Students create dojo monsters and they earn points throughout the day for good behavior. If a student forgets homework or produces a negative behavior the teacher can remove a point. Parents can then discuss these negative points with their children later in the day. Applications are bringing technology-based communication and learning into homes and class rooms all across the world.

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