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Help Your Child Learn the Rubik’s Cube Faster-5 Simple Steps

The Rubik’s cube was originally referred to as the “Magic Cube.” It was invented in the 1970s and continues to baffle us with its magical prowess. That’s not all, though! The cube has evolved to attract different players, both kids and adults alike. The Rubik’s cube is widely used for educational purposes, and it helps kids develop many skills. Is your child having issues playing with this magic cube? There are various ways to have them enjoy every moment and learn faster.

Here’s how:

  1. Acquire age-appropriate cubes

You’ll get the Rubik’s cube in different versions. For instance, MasterCubeStore.com offers many variations from the 2×2, 2×3, to 7×7. You’ll also get the Pyraminx, Megaminx, Skewb, and more. Not all suit your child’s abilities, though.

When you begin with the challenging versions, your child may be disinterested in playing. Instead, go for simpler versions and only advance when your child learns how to play. For instance, begin with the Rubik’s 2×2 for beginners of about5-8 years old. For older kids above the age of eight, acquire more complex versions like the 4×4 or the Rubik’s cube 5×5.

  1. Encourage group play

Kids learn better when in the company of others. Some versions of this magic cube are somewhat complex, and your child will learn a great deal when paying in a group. Also, encourage your child to play with older kids. They are likely to have mastered some skills, and your child will learn from them. This way, they will master the tricks faster and play better.

  1. Introduce other puzzles

You’ll find all manner of kid’s puzzles online. Each benefits kids in various ways. Some puzzles help improve a child’s fine motor skills, while others can build a child’s problem-solving skills. Acquire a variety of puzzles and let your child play with all of them. This way, you avoid boredom and encourage your child to keep playing, unlike when using one type of play item. Some puzzles to consider are jigsaws, Floor puzzles, magic clocks, snake cubes, and more.

  1. Give treats

Kids love treats, no matter how small. Each time that your child resolves the puzzle right give something to encourage more play. These can be simple items like candies, chocolate, other puzzles, and more. The more you gift your child, the higher the likelihood for more trials. And we all know that more practice translates to better play.

  1. Monitor& Guide

Your child will learn faster if you know how to play the Rubik’s cube. This makes it easier to guide them into taking the right moves. Watch your child as they play, and show them the best actions to take. This helps your child learn faster than when left to do it without anyone to guide them.

Final thoughts

The Rubik’s cube is fun and challenging at the same time. However, your child can learn and become a pro in no time. To help them out, acquire age-appropriate cubes and encourage them to play often and in groups. Also, guide your child and introduce other fun puzzles for their age.

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